We've also designed a website to provide more information about the Sister Bird Club Network, to provide a way for people to join the Network, and facilitate their interaction. Now, we need your help to further design the website. You can view the draft site at the Sister Bird Club Network.
The core aspect of this site will be a searchable database of information about clubs, individuals, and other groups who make up the network. To create that database, we need to make available an electronic form through which we can collect information that people in the network need to have. This is where you come in.
What do you want to know about other clubs? What do you want those clubs to know about your club? So far, we have had inquiries from school teachers and members of youth clubs who
want to link up with groups of students or other youth clubs as part of a school project following bird migration. We have had clubs say they want to be able to write a column about birds and bird conservation in their home country and "publish" it in newsletters of clubs in other parts of the migration pathways. We have had clubs mention that they want to put together visits to other clubs. Some clubs want to focus on bird conservation efforts. Others want more of a social relationship among their members.
Anything is possible, but only if you tell us what you want. Please look over the draft website. Then send me comments by email at jodyenck@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance for your help!
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